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Join PRESENCE for $7777 USD

$4444 USD - Limited time special offer

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Item Price
$4444 USD
$2222 USD x 2
$1507 USD x 3
$1137 USD x 4
$767 USD x 6
Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
By purchasing this product, you agree to the following: I accept that there are no refunds after a purchase is made. I accept that early withdrawals are not accepted. I agree that all payment plan payments will be paid in entirety regardless of my participation. If I wish to stop future payments, I will be required to pay any monies owed for the remainder of the initial payment period in full on payment cancellation.  

This is my signature and award-winning EPIC Presence Method™ reimagined for the group and community experience for those who want to know how to do this for themselves FOR LIFE with me right there WITH you every step of the way!


  • Exclusive access to All 4 phases for the 4 pillars of my award-winning EPIC Presence Methodology™ so you get everything you need to create your world-class brand.
  • ​Private FB group for community, networking, masterminding, feedback, support & FUN so you’ll never feel like you’re doing it alone or get stuck!
  • ​6 months of IMPLEMENTATION calls and access to me for group coaching, Q&A, strategy, feedback, my eyeballs and creative brain on your stuff.
  • All the actual tangible brand assets & strategies that you need to have a long lasting, profitable and sustainable BRAND.
  • ​Access to my 22 page brand strategy and design guide that you will fill in with your premium brand strategy and elements that you just created and will step into.
  • ​An additional 6 months (12 months total) access to the program to make sure you get any extra time you need to actually build your premium brand … because life.

plus ...

  • BONUS 5th module - the 3 R’s >> Reputation, Retention and Referability! We’ll plan out your VIP client experience so they come back for more and rave about you to everyone they know! 
    (value $1111)
  • ​Guest expert Client Activation session to call in your premium clients (value $600)
  • ​Exclusive ‘Future Brand Visualization’ To get into the vibes and energy of your next level, high-end, premium brand that holds your vision and purpose… (value $97)


When you Pay In Full, you get extra hands on access to me including

 -- 2 x private consulting calls to kick off and wrap up for max momentum  (value $2222)

Claim Your Squirrel Art Below...
Step 1: Contact
Step 2: Shipping Address
Step 2: Shipping Address
$4444 USD
$2222 USD x 2
$1507 USD x 3
$1137 USD x 4
$767 USD x 6
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

ONE TIME OFFER ($37): You're not just buying Nude Squirrel Art. This is an investment and INSURANCE in your social status. ...would you let your appearance get dusty? By the Beard of Zeus you would NOT! Well you wouldn't let your Squirrel get dusty either. Click above to add this cleaning kit to your order for a measly $37 now!


Claim Your Squirrel Art Below...
Step 1: Contact
Step 2: Shipping Address
Step 2: Shipping Address
$4444 USD
$2222 USD x 2
$1507 USD x 3
$1137 USD x 4
$767 USD x 6
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

ONE TIME OFFER ($37): You're not just buying Nude Squirrel Art. This is an investment and INSURANCE in your social status. ...would you let your appearance get dusty? By the Beard of Zeus you would NOT! Well you wouldn't let your Squirrel get dusty either. Click above to add this cleaning kit to your order for a measly $37 now!