More visibility. More engagement. More money.
More clients. Your audience growing every day. 
More people listening, buying & referring you.


Attract better clients, bigger paydays and dominate your industry with your

Your transformation is waiting on the other side of one decision

A decision that will change everything, fast.

The decision to finally create an actual brand.

The business you built got you to where you’re at… but now, it’s go time.

You are sold on yourself.

You’re sold on the life you want to live.

You take your business seriously and want to make the impact and income that reflects that.

Whether you’re bored with your current business...
or simply know it’s time to stop fucking around...
to start playing bigger and work with better clients for more profits...
to stop being an employee of your business and run it like a BOSS….

You’re in the right place.

Because you are DONE being the best-kept secret and ready to become the best-known, well-paid brand in your space.

The business you built got you to where you’re at… but now, it’s go time.

You are sold on yourself.

You’re sold on the life you want to live.

You take your business seriously and want to make the impact and income that reflects that.

Whether you’re bored with your current business...

or simply know it’s time to stop fucking around...

to start playing bigger and work with better clients for more profits...

to stop being an employee of your business and run it like a BOSS…

You’re in the right place.

Because you are DONE being the best-kept secret and ready to become the best-known, well-paid brand in your space.

If you’ve ever felt that you are called for so much more, that you’ve outgrown where you’re at, and you know you’re meant for greater things,

this is going to be the most important page you’ll ever read. 


A hybrid program and group experience with high-touch support for service providers, coaches and businesses to help you effectively create and build a BRAND that supports you, grows with you and directs all the moving parts that keep your business moving toward where you're going.

If you’re ready to have your brand STAND OUT to your dream clientele and finally make the KIND OF MONEY you deserve, Presence is for you.

Designed exclusively for those READY to own their voice, realize their vision and amplify their online presence, Presence is the catalyst that will take you from overlooked to OVERBOOKED.


The 'best-kept secret' in your industry? That title doesn’t serve you anymore.

This is your moment.  It’s time to be SEEN.

PRESENCE will help you . . .

  • Communicate your purpose and essence of what you do
  • Finally articulate all of the ideas and vision in your head 
  • Speak to exactly the right clients who jump in no questions asked
  • Have those scroll-stopping visuals and a gorgeous cohesive aesthetic that your audience can't look away from
  • Have the consistency that builds trust and credibility with a higher-level audience.
  • Have absolute clarity on what to do, how to do it and with who.
  • Build a brand that you're OBSESSED with, feels like YOU and represents how powerful your work is
  • Have more confidence to be visible, show up and own your space effortlessly
  • Stand out as a legitimate, trustworthy brand in a sea of charlatans
  • Differentiate and position yourself so you no longer have competition.

mariko frederick

Wow! This is the freaking uplevel of UPLEVELS! You've created me my multi-million dollar brand!
You are for people who are ready to take themselves to a 7-figure level, who are ready to be SEEN by millions of people and willing to be who they need to be.


Working with Steph is a guaranteed way to ensure that your brand truly stands out AND genuinely feels like you. the entire experience took me, my brand and my mission to the next level.
Grateful to Steph Zahalka for a world class experience on my branding project 💜. 

aasha t

She has elevated me and my brand so fast, and gave me the confidence to own my authority. 
Investing in branding WILL change your life!! Steph Zahalka is a genius!!
Best experience ever!!

katie bird suder

I've been able to charge more, call in more clients, and be taken seriously by the big players since working with her.
Working with Steph has been a dream come true.

Hi, I'm Steph

your luxury branding partner

Owner of a one-stop-shop design agency turned award-winning brand designer, strategist and creative director of a boutique luxury brand agency.  

I've been doing this for over 19 years now and I have gone through all the levels of business, of undercharging and offering all the things.

It wasn't until I went through my own framework and process to really hone in on my genius, find my purpose, passion and what I was really fucking good at - branding.

It combined my strategic, analytical brain with my artsy fartsy design skills which was perfect.   Then I got clear on my audience, position, price point and message. I own my voice and personality.  I KNOW my brand - so everything I do and create is EASY.

My brand, my work, embodying what I do, practicing what I preach is exactly why I can now charge mid-high 5 figures all the way to $250k to rebrand a business.  My clients are doing the same in their industries.

And when my audience sees me, gets to know me, LOOKS at my brand everywhere they can find me - they EXPECT me to be a highly priced yet worthy investment.

I've won the awards (lots of them), I have the accolades.
My clients get insane results proving that my process works.

And it works for everyone because it's not based on any cookie cutter, fit the mould type of stuff.  It draws out of you your innate genius, quirks, purpose, and vibes and turns you into your very own one-of-a-kind BRAND that attracts your perfect fit clients.

I've spent the last 19 years working with businesses and entrepreneurs of all sizes to transform them into high-end, premium, multi-6 , 7 and 8 figure BRANDS.  

And I want that for YOU TOO!  


Powerful strategy to direct, guide and drive your entire business forward.

Energetics, Strategy & Foundation

We start by mapping out where you've been, where you are and where you desire to go. ​ The strategy we develop is the roadmap that makes it possible to BE where you want to go.

We transform your outdated mission, expired vision, values, purpose and identity that you have outgrown into the new *vision BEYOND the vision*. ​ You become crystal clear on your trajectory and how to get there.

When your brand is in alignment with who YOU are, your vision and values, it's easy to be consistent, to show up authentically, to make decisions with ease, and create a deep connection that builds trust with your audience.

You'll walk away with your vision, mission, purpose, promise, values and tagline done and ready to use.

Stand out, command higher prices, effortlessly attract better clients.

Premium positioning + pricing

With this elevation, it is only natural to increase prices to align with the positioning and new audience. ​ 
Your unique signature approach for this specific type of client must be communicated and delivered so they can see and hear you.

This crucial step provides you with total clarity on your unique point of difference, allowing you to understand exactly where you fit in the premium marketplace and precisely WHO your perfect client is.

This ensures you command premium pricing and sets you apart as the one and only choice for your clientele.

You'll be ready to go with your positioning, higher pricing, point of difference, usp and deeply understand your premium audience.

Stand out, command higher prices, effortlessly attract better clients.

Premium positioning + pricing

With this elevation, it is only natural to increase prices to align with the positioning and new audience. ​ 
Your unique signature approach for this specific type of client must be communicated and delivered so they can see and hear you.

This crucial step provides you with total clarity on your unique point of difference, allowing you to understand exactly where you fit in the premium marketplace and precisely WHO your perfect client is.

This ensures you command premium pricing and sets you apart as the one and only choice for your clientele.

You'll be ready to go with your positioning, higher pricing, point of difference, usp and deeply understand your premium audience.

Set yourself apart from everyone else in your industry.

iconic identity, vibes + voice

To play here at this higher level requires an upgrade in identity. ​ Identity is the 'being' - the personality, voice, vibes, style and energy. ​ Defining it and embodying it is another elevation of the brand.

Here, we develop your character, define your unique voice and language style. The vibes and style of your brand and expressing your personality are critical to drawing in the perfect clients and repelling those that aren't.

Your new identity feels like you've updated your entire wardrobe, renno'd your house and psychologically stepped into an upleveled, wealthier version of yourself — fuels that confidence on all fronts.

You'll be ready to show up with a uniquely defined personality, voice, tone, language and visual style & vibes.

Scroll-stopping visuals that make you unforgettable and totally irresistible.

connection + aesthetics

Here we meticulously and intentionally design your presence with elevated, luxurious, stop-them-in-their-tracks vibes and visuals that silently communicate your worth as a high-investment brand.

When your brand aesthetics are a visual feast that captures their attention, they binge your content while the whole EXPERIENCE of your brand compels them to fall in love with you and BUY! 

From the moment potential customers encounter your brand to the instant they decide to buy, every detail is designed to captivate.

You'll have your moodboard, colour palette, fonts, patterns, textures, imagery themes and photoshoot direction.

Scroll-stopping visuals that make you unforgettable and totally irresistible.

connection + aesthetics

Here we meticulously and intentionally design your presence with elevated, luxurious, stop-them-in-their-tracks vibes and visuals that silently communicate your worth as a high-investment brand.

When your brand aesthetics are a visual feast that captures their attention, they binge your content while the whole EXPERIENCE of your brand compels them to fall in love with you and BUY! 

From the moment potential customers encounter your brand to the instant they decide to buy, every detail is designed to captivate.

You'll have your moodboard, colour palette, fonts, patterns, textures, imagery themes and photoshoot direction.

Each step is broken down so it's easy to follow and easy to build your entire brand foundation, strategy, identity and aesthetic.

There is NOTHING left out and there is also nothing that you don't need so there is no overwhelm. ​ All fluff removed.

Presence is designed around your unique business and to support you if you're busy, have client work, a family, or just life in general.

Between the implementation calls and the private Facebook group, you’ll be supported and guided as you work through the program.


the program

Exclusive access to All 4 phases delivered with workbooks and short bite-sized video trainings in an easy-to-use program portal so you get everything you need to build your premium brand.  Simple, organized, ND friendly!

​You can build your brand as fast or slow as you desire. You'll get 12 months access to the program to make sure you get any extra time you need to actually build your premium brand or revisit & adjust as you grow, elevate and evolve..

group implementation calls

4 IMPLEMENTATION calls twice a month for access to me for group coaching, Q&A, strategy, feedback, my eyeballs and creative brain on your stuff.  The calls cater to all time zones.

private community

Because I want you to be as supported as possible, you'll receive12 months access to the Private Presence community, networking, masterminding, feedback, support & FUN so you’ll never feel like you’re doing it alone or get stuck!  You have unlimited access to me inside the group.

brand strategy + style guide

Once you complete the 4 phases of the program you will have everything you need to create your ultimate brand strategy and style guide with an easy to use template.

This is your complete brand system that HOLDS EVERYTHING YOU'VE BUILT & CREATED IN THE PROGRAM for your brand so every piece of content, every graphic, every word, your website, your cover photos, your stories - radiates who you really are.

The guide is what will SAVE YOU MONEY when you hire experts such as
→ ad & social media managers
→ copywriters & graphic designers
→ website & funnel designers
→ messaging, sales & marketing experts
→ team members & VA's

because you just did the heavy lifting for them and your brand is crystal clear, with less revisions and a higher ROI.

bonus brand goodies

★ Easy access brand style board template for visual consistency
★ ​Mood & brand vision board templates to keep the vibes cohesive
★ Filter presets purchased for you to match your new gorgeous brand

* NOTE * this is not a design program. Logo design, graphic design or Canva instruction is not included.
Basic knowledge of Canva is needed to create your Brand guide and style boards.


All members will have the option to engage ME to DO the design/logo work for
them at special, heavily discounted rate (ONLY available to Presence members)
once the first 3 phases are complete.

WORTH OVER $3900 !!

The definitive training on how to successfully launch your new brand or rebrand.  Includes the ultimate rebrand checklist, video and cheatsheet to create hype around your new brand for maximum exposure, impact and success.
(value $555)

Client Attraction Activation session by guest expert Nicky Hartel to call in your premium clients that message you out of the blue and say YES SEND ME THE PAYMENT LINK! 
(value $1,111)

To get into the vibes and energy of your next level, high-end, premium brand that holds your vision and purpose - the one that is making millions or even billions of dollars giving you the life you dream of.
(value $97)


  • Private consulting call to kick off your journey with clarity  (value $1100)
  • Private consulting call to wrap up for maximum results (value $1100)


The fact is, after helping hundreds of other experts, service providers, coaches, digital creators and entrepreneurs change the trajectory of their business, leading to millions of dollars in annual revenue with their brands, and building one myself,
I know how challenging it can feel AND how game changing it is too.

I also know you're so damn ready for this... and it's available for you.

My clients and I have proven it.

Before I reveal to you my secret recipe... 
let me tell you what traditional branding is.

Most brand agencies require the client to TELL THEM 
everything about their business.  THEY ASSUME IT ALREADY EXISTS AND CREATE AROUND IT.

They need you to KNOW your mission, vision, voice, USP and positioning and all the other things
BEFORE hiring a brand agency.

Then the agency takes what you've given them and 
they create a visual representation of that.

This is where things usually go south or the deliverables aren't quite right compared with the investment made.

You don't know what you don't know right?

so how can you give them what they actually need 
to build you an aligned brand that fits your vision?

you can't. 

and this is where most people get hung up and end up waiting until they figure it all out, it gets put on the backburner and you miss out on money, opportunity and credibility.

With me...
- this process I have perfected & refined over 18 years -
pulls it out of you 

It's where we figure it out together.

not before you work with me.  

while you work with me!

 What you get...

  • ​Exclusive access to All 4 phases for the 4 pillars of my award-winning EPIC Presence Methodology™ so you get everything you need to create your premium brand that looks like a million bucks.
  • ​In easy to consume modules and video trainings with ONLY what you need so there is no overwhelm. There are no cookie cutter templates or extra shit that you don’t need
  • ​Private FB group for community, networking, masterminding, feedback, support & FUN so you’ll never feel like you’re doing it alone or get stuck!
  • ​You will have access to the very questions and process that I go through with my private 1:1 done-for-you branding clients.
  • ​6 months of IMPLEMENTATION calls and access to me for group coaching, Q&A, strategy, feedback, my eyeballs and creative brain on your stuff.
  • ​BONUS 6 additional months of program access so you can utilize the trainings and resources when you start evolving and expanding fast and can refine as necessary

By the end you will have all the actual tangible (and gorgeous) brand assets & strategies that you need to have a long lasting, profitable and sustainable BRAND that makes you a fuckton more money.

This is an exclusive pre-sale offer only available to 10  5 more people

When spots are filled the price goes up!

I will be officially launching mid 2024 and I’m looking for 10 5 more people who want access now for a special pre-sale price in exchange for feedback and extra personalized support from me.

$9800  $6900

pay in full
Prices in USD
    split payment
    Prices in USD
      3 x monthly payments
      Prices in USD

        ** AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS **   To avoid the exchange rate, please message us at hello[at]jungledesignstudios.com for an AUD payment link

        wild women businesshood

        "I am just blown away and at the same time grounded by the whole brand design you’ve created.
        You truly get a brand and translate it into visuals, it feels so premium and like it belongs in a luxury magazine.
        I see true perfection and I feel immensely excited to work with everything you’ve created and designed for us so far. I am so glad we’ve found you !”

        mollie lyon

        "Within 2 months of my rebrand I signed 3 x 6-figure projects totally just over $970,00!"
        Steph helped me put into words what Flax and Stone is then she turned into an amazing visual experience capturing my grounded, funky , and the juxtaposition of the things I love most. 

        naomi galliano

        Steph helped me get complete clarity about who I am in my business, how to communicate my message and how to really bring all aspects of myself, my passion, my knowledge and my values into my messaging.
        As a result of working with Steph I have crystal clear clarity around my brand & I can operate more easily, practically & successfully in my business. 

        tam enright

        OMG! I’m in awe and a little speechless… You brought my brand out of my head and into clarity. 
        Your skills to dig deep into the core elements are like nothing I have ever experienced and to be able to articulate that into an elevated level that just fits the persona of the brand, is alchemy at its best.  I now can see, feel and even taste (yes, true!) my brand coming to life… I’m on a high from this! 

        Answers to your Questions


        Upon completion of your purchase, you will be directed to an exclusive access page with your bonuses and your next step. An automated email will promptly follow with instructions for the next steps and a link to schedule our kick-off call if you paid in full. You will receive instant access to the program portal with all the trainings to date and access to the private Facebook community.

        what if i am new to business?

        The best time to dial in your brand and learn how to effectively use it to communicate the value of your services is at the very start of your business. The second best time is today.
        If I could go back in time, this would be the #1 thing I would prioritize. No question!

        is this for coaches only?

        No way!   This is perfect for any personal brand, service provider, professional, coach, consultant, creative or business owner that is looking to elevate their position in the market so they are seen and paid premium rates by a premium audience.   


        Good news! This program and the length of it was designed to accommodate for life, business, clients, kids - you name it.  I give you time and space to move as fast or slow as you desire! So it’s perfect whether you love to power through and get shit done fast or if you have clients, kids, and a million other things to do and need space!

        what about time zones and call times?

        Each day there is a call I have 2 times available to suit all time zones.   Plus, they will always be recorded and available for replay.   The private group is also available for anything that you need in between calls.

        is PRESENCE self-study?

        This is actually both self-study and DONE WITH YOU. You watch and implement the training modules on your own, at your own pace and the group and calls are for implementation, guidance and feedback from me no matter what point in the program you are. 


        I have a VIP upgrade option where you get 2 hours of private access to me for whatever you need, including design, strategy or help as well as 1 week of voxer to use at anytime.

        I also have an option for a special discounted rate to have me design your brand once you've finished all modules of the program for me to use to create your brand aesthetics.  Multiple options available depending on the amount of deliverables you require.

        do i need to know photoshop or canva

        The strategy and design guide plus bonus boards will require the use of Canva.  You will be given templates to fill in everything you create inside the program.  You do not need to know or have Photoshop.   

        *NOTE - this is not program that teaches design or creating a logo.  You will have an exclusive opportunity to have me design for you at a discounted member-only rate if you choose.

        are there refunds?

        You won’t want one 😉!
        Due to attaining instant access to our proprietary methodology and our I.P. along with the curated experience we provide to our clients, we do not offer refunds. However, we do have service guarantee that allows us to remain in integrity for you, our clients.

        Please note - If you selected a payment plan, you are contracted to finish your plan regardless of your participation in the program. 

        before you go...

        why brand? why now?

        Because you've gone this long without it (or just pieces of it) and look where you are and how amazing you've done!  But, is this where you unpack your bags and stay?  

        I know you're watching all the other successful people out there bringing in clients, sales, and you're sitting there thinking  ....

        "Why not me? HOW do I get that for my business? Why is it so damn hard?

        "I just want people to buy my shit and know who I am. I want this to be easier, I want all those programs I bought to actually f*cking work, I want my VA and SMM to just do their job in my voice, as my brand and not have to go through a million revisions. I'm tired AF of doing it all myself cuz no one gets my damn brand. I want a big audience who jump in as soon as I open my mouth."

        The answer is their BRAND.  Whether they admit it or not, they have a brand that does the heavy lifting for them, gives them credibility, influence, trust and recognition. 
        That is how it's done.  And now - IT'S YOUR TURN.

        Imagine your business is a car and your brand is the engine that drives your business.

        It can either run like an old dodgy Ford that needs replacing random parts here and there (like all those random mix & match strategies from all those coaches and programs you bought) 

        Or it can run like a finely-tuned Ferrari.

        Which do you prefer?

        And... why not now?

        Plain and simple → If you don't do this,

        Why wait a moment longer for more success, more money, more freedom and more opportunities?

        Staying where you are is a decision.
        Inaction and delay are decisions.

        Not upleveling your brand - the driver of your entire business - is you deciding to stay in your comfort zone rather than opening the door to more of everything you want.

        Explore, expand, evolve - remember, you can always go back.  
        Where  you were will always be there.

        But think about once it does work - even better than before.
        You'll wonder why you waited so long.

        If you've been waiting for the perfect time, I have to be honest and tell you that the "perfect time" doesn't exist. If you have the desire and you're ready to make it happen... right now IS the perfect time.

        The seeds have been planted, your season is coming...
        you ready?

        Trust yourself

        Stop overthinking this thing.

        You’ve desired this for so long.

        It’s not the money or the time.

        YOU MAY JUST BE AFRAID because this decision will transform your entire reality.

        It will prove to you that you actually CAN have it all.

        The time has always been now.

        And its time to bet on yourself.

        Say YES

         to your growth, expansion and evolution.

        This is just the beginning...


        Copyright Jungle Branding co. | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Refund policy

        JUNGLE BRANDING CO can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
        You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of JUNGLE BRANDING CO products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.